Leisha Nicole Stanek

New Zine from Obsolete Press!

Pit Chick
From the practiced and perfected scissor-precision of an eleven-year-old girl, coupled with a ‘fart joke’ mentality and unruly imagination, Pit Chick was born. When the girl grew, her mother dutifully stowed away those ten stapled pages of glue-heavy figures, only to be uncovered thirty years later by the grown woman searching for her youthful zine-making essence. With the wrinkle and crunch of every page flip, the girl-turned-woman artist felt a growing urgency to respond directly to her young-girl self, to address the vexing questions with the answers that only come with experience. For one week, with no electronic assistance, the woman artist filled in the blank backsides with typewriter text, drawings, and colored pencil script.
Order your copy now from Obsolete Press!